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Adam Hicks

Regina Public School Board Treuhänder

9.00 - 20.00 Uhr

Thank you for your trust to serve a third term!



Adam Hicks


9. November 2020

Ich bin ein leidenschaftlicher Vater von zwei Kindern, der sich dafür einsetzt, Ihnen zu dienen. Ich vertrete unsere Gemeinschaft unermüdlich und sorge dafür, dass die Stimme der Eltern, des Personals und vor allem unserer Schüler gehört wird. Sie brauchen jemanden, der keine Angst vor den schwierigen Fragen hat und sich für das einsetzt, was richtig ist.

Wenn Sie

Ich bin nicht nur stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Schulbehörde, sondern engagiere mich auch Hunderte von Stunden im Jahr, um Regina zum besten Wohnort zu machen.

Mit einem starken Führungshintergrund und mehreren Bezeichnungen habe ich die Ausbildung und die Werkzeuge, um die Probleme, mit denen Schulbehörden konfrontiert sind, zu untersuchen und zu analysieren. Ich sitze in zahlreichen Verwaltungsräten und habe Positionen mit maßgeblichem Einfluss in meiner täglichen Arbeit inne.

Mein Glaube beruht auf meinem Slogan von 2016: „Wir alle profitieren von einer gebildeten Gesellschaft.“ Ich werde dieses Versprechen fortsetzen und würde mich über Ihre Stimme für eine zweite Amtszeit als Ihr Treuhänder freuen.

My Promises to You


Sichere und integrative Schulen

Starkes Eintreten für alle Schüler und Schaffung eines sicheren Lernumfelds für alle Schüler.


Volle Transparenz

Mehr Diskussionen in öffentlichen Sitzungen, mehr Kommunikation mit Mitarbeitern, Eltern und Interessengruppen.


Bedürfnisse von Mitarbeitern und Studenten verstehen

Sicherstellen, dass Entscheidungen mit unseren Mitarbeitern und Studenten an vorderster Front getroffen werden.


Geld im Klassenzimmer

Verwaltung der Mittel der Abteilung, um sicherzustellen, dass wir das Geld für die Unterstützung von Klassenzimmern maximieren.

The"Northern Stars"


Organizations love to create strategic plans, balanced scorecards, accountability goals, directives, policies, procedure documents, and more for large organizations like school divisions. The Regina Public School Division is one of the largest "companies" in Saskatchewan, with close to 3,000 staff, 59 buildings, approximately 27,000 students, and an annual operating budget of approximately $300 million per year.  It can be difficult to ensure that all stakeholders collectively work together in the same positive direction.


However, to overcome the challenges of clear communication of goals and to unite people around a shared goal, we must truly understand what drives success.  Once we understand how to make a collective impact, we can empower staff, students, and our community to work together to improve student outcomes.

We need to simplify our goals.  When re-elected for a third term over the next four years, I plan to focus my efforts to help build a more clear Board direction in partnership with the leadership team.


100% Graduation

Did you know that based on the 2022-2023 Annual Report (and results have been relatively static for years), just over 1 out of 10 students do not graduate in Regina (based on 3-year graduation rates).

Want to know something mind-blowing?  Less than half of self-identified Indigenous students graduate.  That is not a typo.  Only 46% of Indigenous students graduated 'on-time' in 2022-2023.  To expand this further, approximately 17-19% of all students have self-identified from our 26,000 students.  Meaning of the approximately 5,000 Indigenous students, half of those students statistically will not graduate.

I genuinely do not understand why this is not discussed more and is not front and centre of all discussions.  We need to stop looking at the data, "admiring the problem," as a former director would say, and to take true action to do something about it.  It will take a community to make lasting changes, but we can't ignore these problems any longer. 

We truly can make a change.  Action must be taken, and I would love the next four years to try to move the needle.


100% Attendance

For years, we have known, and numerous studies have shown, that attendance truly does matter.  Students who regularly attend school, specifically in later grades, have a better chance of reaching graduation.

All students need to know they belong in our community. We need to support each and every student.  We know that having one adult in their life who believes in them can make a statistical difference in their future success.

We need to empower our staff. A Board of seven trustees does not always know what is best, and senior executives do not know how to reach every student across all our 57 schools. Who knows best is our 3,000 staff.  I believe that staff need to be supported, provided the tools to succeed, and allowed the freedom to impact students as they know best.

Engaged and cared-for students will attend classes.  Attendance is a direct outcome of engaged students, and together we can focus on these goals of achieving 100% graduation.


Grade 3 Success

Grade three student success rates directly correlate to future high-school success, including graduation.  Numerous studies have been conducted, and even with our division, this topic has surfaced many times at the Board table.

Typically, leading up to Grade 3, students learn how to learn.  After those initial years, those skills are assumed, and they then begin learning to utilize those foundational skills as they tackle more complicated and abstract assignments and topics year after year.  Without that foundation that early grades teach, students continue to struggle and fall behind.

If we can work with families on kindergarten readiness (ready to learn) and aggressively focus on efforts to ensure all students are at Grade 3 reading and writing levels, statistically, this will ensure they are ready to succeed for the remainder of their schooling.

I will remain focussed on expanding efforts on early learning success.

These three Northern Stars are not out of reach.  We need visionary leaders who are not afraid of shaking this system up, following the data, listening to the voices of our staff and students, and looking to others who are leading the way.  Many countries are succeeding while we continue to fall behind.  We can learn a lot if we look further than our provincial borders.

We need people who can stand up and challenge the status quo.  I am that person.  If you or someone you know is interested in learning more, please reach out, and I'd love to have a chat.

Together, we can make a difference.

Interested in Hearing More?

2024 Election Campaign Interview Video

Adam's 2024 TEDx Regina Talk

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